Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> writes:

> Hi,
> so, you can flame now. Aka, this short serious series is over for today, 
> hopefully to be continued already tomorrow...
> So, as a meeting in Le Camp we came to the conclusion to recommend to the 
> globalteam to have DebConf13 in Le Camp and also to come to a final decision 
> rather fast. Thats why we want an IRC meeting soon, eg next Friday (November 
> 2nd) or Monday (November 5th). My proposal would be 18 UTC.

Friday 2nd I can't attend. Monday 5th is OK. Wednesday 31th as proposed
by Gunnar is OK for me as well. I think in addition to the chairs (or at
least 2 chairs) it's also important that at least 3 persons highly
involed locally are present. If this is the case I fine with a date
where I can't attend personally.

> And as we want this meeting to come to a final decision we thought that the 
> only hard requirement would be that (at least) all DebConf chairs were 
> present.
> (We are the people from the Le Camp BSP here.)
> But maybe this is too much hurry and too much focusing on the chairs to break 
> decision ties, instead of doing this a tiny bit more slowly and just "using 
> the chairs" to make sure, we decide RSN. Not having a decision hurts us now, 
> which is exactly the last timeframe to ask sponsors for money in 2012: 
> November. December is mostly busy/too late with other stuff, while many 
> companies do have money to spend end of the year... thats really why I want 
> to 
> hurry.
> Surely one can look for dc13 sponsors now as the situation is, but not really 
> well/optimal and then it is (or can be) also somewhat demotivational to not 
> know what will be decided (and when.. and by whom and how.)

This is only partially a comment on the above, but also a reaction to
things that were said in other replies to this thread:
We really should not stop or delay any sponsorship activity until
anything is decided. To make initial contacts with sponsors the exact
venue does not really matter much. I have started to contact quite some
people since the brochure is finally ready. So please go on with this!


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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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