
Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> writes:

> Hi,
> On Montag, 29. Oktober 2012, Raphaël Walther wrote:
>> I think we should remove the permanent sponsors until they commit.
> they commited already, thats why there "permanently" listed.

So there is reconfirmation from them each year? Also it's not clear to
me what we actually get from them. Is this documented somewhere? I think
for the exposure they get on our website their yearly contributions
should be somewhat similar to a Bronze sponsor each year.

>> Also
>> I'd like to help on the website because I think that most of potential
>> sponsors will have at least a look on it.

The most pressing issue here is to remove all references to Nicaragua
and DebConf 12. I don't think it hurts if there is not much content at
the moment. A link to the sponsorship brochure would be nice as well.


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