Daniel Pocock dijo [Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:45:37AM +0200]:
> > I also do not agree to the principle Daniel suggested to spread the
> > gathering of sponsors to <number of participants> shoulders.  Our
> > primary goal is to develop Debian (currently fixing RC bugs) and not to
> > keep people busy to ask around for money.  IMHO the main organisers of
> > DebConf always did a good and way more effective job in gathering
> > sponsors than single persons could do - and I use this chance to thank
> > all those people involved into this hereby.
> Andreas, you are completely correct to focus on this point.  But keep in
> mind the fact that DebConf13 in Switzerland will not be cheap, and
> distributing the fundraising workload is just one of many alternatives. 
> So while you are not a fan of this concept, would you say this proposal
> is the `lesser evil' compared to the discussion about not providing
> meals at DebConf, or the option to leave out DebCamp week?

Just FWIW (and not as a explicit vote, just as an opinion): We have
the tradition to have a two week long DebConf+DebCamp. I would prefer
having a shorter period (say, 3 days of DebCamp and 4 days of DebConf,
no DebianDay nor daytrip) if we need to cut on expenses. Of course, I
am talking without knowing the resulting savings this would achieve
(predictably, half the time does not directly translate into 50% of
the cost) than the two alternatives you suggest.

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