On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 03:39:38PM +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> However, there is some benefit to advertising such a fee, and then
> `sponsoring' individuals by waiving the fee for them.
> The main benefit is that DebConf can ask people to `find their own
> sponsor' before asking DebConf to `sponsor' them.

I'm sure someone has mentioned this before, but... this is roughly
what the professional fee is supposed to be.  The professional fee was
designed for people woh could get it reimbursed somehow, through an
employer or so.  There have been years when we have encouraged people
more strongly to get this sponsored somehow, which is reasonable this

"""DebConf is very expensive to put on.  In order to ensure it is a
success, we encourage everyone to register as a "Professional"
attendee if it can be sponsored by an employer or you have the means
to self-pay.  This "fee" is designed to be the actual cost of one
person's food and accommodation for one week of DebCamp/DebConf."""

Of course, 400-500 CHF is a lot for some people to self-pay, while 100
or so may not be that bad.  Again, this doesn't have to be made
different from what we normally do:

"""If you are unable to afford or get sponsored the Professional fee,
you may always register as Sponsored and make a donation to DebConf
(via the same mechanisms as Professional payments) of any amount to
help cover your costs of attending - may we suggest 100 CHF?

As always, this money goes to actual costs of food and accommodation.
Anyone is free to arrange their own food and accommodation and attend
DebConf as a <Category> attendee."""

Really, it's just a framing difference: we point out it is free for
all (before the sponsorship deadline) and ask for fees/donations only
as people feel they are able to afford.  I think this is much more
agreeable... since it's what is already common.

But remember, even if everyone paid an average of 100 CHF, it doesn't
come close to filling the budget gap.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 28 days, 14:06
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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