Raphael Walther dijo [Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 02:34:57PM +0200]:
> (...)
> Le jeudi 18 octobre 2012 à 13:35 +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud a écrit :
> > Le jeudi, 18 octobre 2012 09.15:51, Luca Capello a écrit :
> > My personal opinion is that LeCamp is still the most probable venue and 
> > that 
> > sponsors don't care "that much" about the place. So if we drop "Vaumarcus / 
> > Le 
> > Camp" from the brochure, we should run another logo contest or drop it from 
> > the brochure.
> So, I disagree because there are also local sponsors interested.
> [1] http://www.neuchateltourisme.ch/en/home.html

Well, in this particular point, it would be VERY deceiving to tell
them the Neuchatel Tourisme we will be there in order to get
sponosrship and later change to another venue. Maybe we need to
explain them that we want to do it in their canton, but we are
strained economically and it can move elsewhere. In this particular
case, we cannot just assume for the best.
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