Hi there!

On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:43:45 +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 28/09/12 10:12, Luca Capello wrote:
>> I just committed (SVN r3732 [1]) the version of the contract Le Camp
>> sent us with the our last comments.  Since the original is in French, I
>> quickly translated it to English, please other French-speaking people
>> check my translation!
>> [1] 
>> <http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debconf-data?view=revision&revision=3732>
>> Please check it again and provide question/comment, if constructive
>> (hint: asking over and over if we can cook by ourselves is not).
> Thanks for sharing that so quickly, it would be good to add in the
> cancellation details at the bottom of the translation so people can
> really focus on the costs and deadlines together

Do you mean including the Article 2 from the "2013 Ceneral conditions
for renting"?  If we agree on those conditions I think it is useless to
add them to the contract.  BTW, I will ask Mr. Pianaro to update the
website with the 2013 conditions, they should be available at:


  2. Cancellation and significant changes

  Any cancellation of a final reservation results in the payment of a
  fee equivalent to:

    up to 6 months in advance 20% (= 32'000.00 CHF until February 2013)
    3 to 6 months in advance 30% (= 48'000.00 CHF until May 2013)
    1 to 3 months in advance 50% (= 80'000.00 CHF until July 2013)
    less than one month in advance 90% (= 144'000.00 CHF)

  of the price for the services agreed.

If the above numbers do not change for 2013, it means that we can still
cancel without having paid the second part (to be paid on February 20,
2013), which seems a bit better than my previous understandings.

> What is the proposed way of paying the instalments, 20k CHF on 20 Dec,
> 20 Feb and 20 May?

What do you mean?

> Will 40k CHF in sponsorship money come before 20 Feb?

I do not have any answer to this question, it is (again) a big if.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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