On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 01:24:58PM +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> Richard Darst schrieb am Monday, den 20. August 2012:

> > - moderated lists: mainly debconf-announce.  formorer offered
> > shared-secret vs keyring based.  I think keyring based would be very
> > nice.

To answer Gaudenz's question about keyring maintenance, it wouldn't
need to be that hard.  We add some standard people to keyring, and
when something needs to go to -announce, it is also cc'ed to -team,
and then *anyone* with a key can sign and bounce to -announce again to
distribute it.  I think this makes it not as hard as it seems, and
even better than the current system.

> > - debconf-announce gets a bulk subscribe of attendees each year, to
> > get conference-related announces.  Is this possible/easy?
> As long as it is really a bulk and coordinated in advance: yes. If they come
> in small portions it would be a problem.

Usually, it's only once per year (though I think that isn't enough and
could stand to be more often), we miss some people for early reminders
and late registrants may miss the messages, too.

> > - closed list: right now only debconf-sponsors-team.  list HOWTO says
> > this is possible.
> Indeed, but we don't like it that much. But if we get a proper reasoning it
> should be possible.

Here's what we use that for: -sponsors-team discusses money matters
related to sponsors.  Having those public, for example, sponsors being
contacted and declining, is Not Good.  Knowing exact amounts and
discussions behind those amounts is not good.  This is the only
private list, and *needs* to be private - probably even from people
with Debian accounts (there are other private role aliases, though.
The list is almost like a role alias.).

I'm going to go back to writing my thesis and do my very best not to
respond to any more emails for the next few weeks.  It sounds like
there are enough people to pick this up - please go ahead if desired.


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 128 days, 5:24
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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