Quoting Martin Zobel-Helas (zo...@ftbfs.de):
> Hi, 
> On Tue Aug 07, 2012 at 16:35:16 +0200, Michele Cane wrote:
> > I discussed this issue with Mr. Pianaro several times. They are really
> > against camping.
> > Concerning more beds we considered the option of having a big tent but
> > the costs to have, let's say, 50 more beds would be way to high
> > considering that Le Camp want to also have the extra infrastructures
> > needed for 50 more people (toilets, showers).
> > 
> > We will try to this subject again but IMO will be very difficult to
> > reach a satisfactory solution for Le Camp and for us (for us mainly for
> > the financial point of view).
> Does this mean there is a hard limit of 350 people to be allowed to come
> to debconf?
> If yes, this is a no-go for this location.

Well, we *knew* about that when voting for this location. 350 is a
really high number. I know that Switzerland is one of the most
convenient places to go and that increases the likeliness that the
record for number of attendees is broken in 2013....but, still. 350 is
a really high number and I still wait to see if we'll really have that
number of attendees.

And, still, if we reach that limit, then it will be DC13 weakness to
have to limit the number of attendees (or asking those who "do not
fit" to arrange their own accomodation). No DebConf is perfect,

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