Hi dear DebConf Team,

I hereby propose the following event:

What:    DebConf sprint
Where:   CH, Fribourg, Liip offices [0]
When:    Wed. 8. Aug 2012, from 17h30 local time
         date -d "@1344439800"
Why:     Now that DebConf12 is over and that DebConf13 is ahead, we have 
plenty of documents to get ready (text, design, translation, …) both for the 
closing of DebConf12 and for the preparation of DebConf13, all of them rather 
soon. As I find easier to work on such things on allocated time, I propose to 
allocate this time and place to get work done in this area (or other areas 
related to DebConf).

Coordination: To make sure everyone can give a hand even without being there, 
I will propose to work on the various documents on gobby/etherpad documents 
which URLs will be announced "live" over IRC on #debconf-team.

Food: No special coordination, but I will bring something to eat and drink 
that can be shared.

Participation: participation is open to anyone, just drop a mail to the 
localteam list stating your interest.

Closing: as I will have to close the office, this event will close no later 
than 22:10, localtime (train back to Lausanne at 22:26).


[0] Rue de la Banque 1, CH-1700 Fribourg

P.S. This is not meant to be a "Team meeting", it's just a "work-together 
P.S.2. This event could be repeated rather easily, in this or other places.

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