Luca Capello <> writes:

> * BRONZE - starting from CHF 2'500 [DC10 2'000, DC11 2'500, DC12 2'000]


> * SILVER - starting from CHF 7'500 [DC10 10'000, DC11 6'000, DC12 5'000]


> * GOLD - starting from CHF 15'000 [DC10 20'000, DC11 12'000, DC12 12'500]


This was mainly an issue for the registration team, so I only saw it
second hand, but it would be good to clarify, at least in our own minds,
to what extent registration and/or accomodation is a benefit of
sponsorship. My guess is that that most sponsor-employed attendees that
would be interested in Le Camp shared accomodation would be granted
sponsored accomodation (for themselves) anyway, so maybe the practical
impact will be small.


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