On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 11:21:03 +0200
Luca Capello <l...@pca.it> wrote:

> Hi there!
> As you have probably noticed [1], we are now working to finalize the
> DC13 sponsoring brochure and then start our quest for sponsors.
> [1] <mid:87629ekwe5....@meteor.durcheinandertal.bofh>
>     <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120723.212002.3642bc1d.en.html>
> I read the latest discussion [2] about DC12 sponsorship levels and I
> think the best resume was given by Holger:
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 02:48:17 +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > Hm, I really like the way we have now: bronce=website, silver=tshirt (short 
> > for cloth), gold=video, platinum=premium partner. It's easy to remember and 
> > thus to explain,.
> [2] <mid:CAHWF6ZO_5GAdP8r-2YWmQ_bfc0+=dnukgw0hr11u-hq_n33...@mail.gmail.com>
>     <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120217.000334.7e988feb.en.html>
> [3] <mid:201202260248.18101.hol...@layer-acht.org>
>     <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120226.014817.79571f0d.en.html>
> I thus propose the sponsorship levels below, also based on some other
> posts [3][4][5] and previous DebConfs, with DC10 being the reference in
> terms of living costs.  Please remember than the current budget is
> estimated at 215'000 CHF [6][7].
> [3] <mid:201202251314.30609.hol...@layer-acht.org>
> <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120225.121429.874966c9.en.html>
> [4] <mid:201202251532.14538.hol...@layer-acht.org>
>     <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120225.143213.86fd6f55.en.html>
> [5] <mid:20120309001613.gp17...@sym.noone.org>
>     <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120309.001613.7fee090c.en.html>
> [6] 
> <http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Switzerland/Bid#Rough_budget_calculations>
> [7] The USD/CHF exchange ratio is basically fluctuating around 1:1, so
>      we can easily start talking in CHF (to also ease the localteam
>      work).
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> Sponsorship levels
> ------------------
> * BRONZE - starting from CHF 2'500 [DC10 2'000, DC11 2'500, DC12 2'000]
>   + Logo on our website and link back to the company homepage
>   + Logo included in full-page thank you ad in Linux Magazine worldwide
> * SILVER - starting from CHF 7'500 [DC10 10'000, DC11 6'000, DC12 5'000]
>   Benefits from bronze, and also:
>   + Logo printed on conference T-Shirts
>   + Logo printed on conference bags
>   + Opportunity to provide corporate materials to be distributed to
>     attendees in their conference bags
> * GOLD - starting from CHF 15'000 [DC10 20'000, DC11 12'000, DC12 12'500]
>   Benefits from silver, and also:
>   + Logo printed larger and in superior position
>   + Logo in video streams and recordings
>   + Logo on banner in conference lobby
> * PLATINUM - starting from CHF 30'000 [DC10 30'000, DC11 30'000, DC12 25'000]
>   Benefits from gold, and also:
>   + Name and description of sponsor in all press releases relating to
>     the conference
>   + Logo on banner behind talk podiums
>   + 45 minute slot for giving a free software related talk

Was it agreed to use CHF instead of EUR/USD? usually for DC in America 
sposnorship brochure use USD and in Europe EUR...

> Notes
> -----
> * The size and order of sponsor logos in promotional materials will be
>   set according to the amount of sponsorship received from each sponsor.
> * We would like to note that hardware donations to support the DebConf
>   infrastructure are welcomed.
> * We also invite sponsors, in addition to their basic sponsorship, to
>   sponsor a specific part of the conference.  These are some of the
>   opportunities available, please contact the sponsorship team to
>   discuss prices and other details:
>   - Lecture and meeting rooms
>   - Conference banquet
>   - Tourist outing
>   - Attendee travel bursaries
>   - Sponsored meals for attendees
>   - Sponsored accommodation for attendees
>   - Busses for Day Trip, etc...
>   - Coffee or snacks
>   - Prizes for fixing bugs or similar actions [like at DebConf10]
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> There are open questions, though:
> a) should we add some quotes explaining previous achievements at
>    DebCamp/DebConf [7] , i.e. the work Francesca started to do before
>    DebConf12?

I think it will be helpful.

> b) what about smaller contributors [8]?  How should we "reward" them?

Smaller contributors are considered as DebConf donators. Don't remenber if 
there's a way to reward them, for DC12 there were a page.

> c) who handle the sponsorship process and money?  Or, if you want to
>    have it differently, which structure should be put on the sponsorship
>    brochure?  Until now we used the DebConf Sponsorship Team, but for
>    DebConf12 it was suggested to add a note about SPI & Co. [9], while
>    the DebConf13 localteam also started a discussion about a separate
>    and new association [10].  This is even more important if we would
>    like to advertise the possibility of tax exemption [11].

It always had been DebConf Sponsorship Team the structure in charge and 
SPI/FFIS the organizations that receive the money and give invoices to 

The local organization it will be for local needings.


Norman García Aguilar <nor...@riseup.net>
Debconf-team mailing list

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