Hi there!

Still Cc:ing Mako, in case sorry for the spam.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 19:56:41 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>> >> Does anyone have a better proposal for how to conduct such a poll on
>> >> debian (or debian-related) infrastructure?
>> > i would had said Doodle, if there is no requirement for running it on
>> > debian or debian-related infrastructure.

I prefer to use either a Debian-releated infrastructure or a Free
Software service.

> then why dont you say "dudle"? ;-)
> https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/about.cgi - released under the AGPLv3 :)

That would be fine, at least the "normal poll" example should fit, but
From a quick look it does not allow images.

Some notes:

1) I know that the wikipage is not fun/funny/intelligible, but we need a
   way to get the vote *and* the comment (the ones from the first round
   are already quite helpful).

2) IMHO who votes does not matter, i.e. as Daniel wrote the common sense
   should prevent anyone from multiple voting.

3) I am short in time lately (not really planned), so I did not want to
   spend too much time on looking at a solution which would have maybe
   been impractical :-)
> on the topic at hand, I dont think its sensible to vote on all those logo 
> ideas on that page... they are way too many, and some are clearly not 
> suitable 
> as a logo (mostly from a design pov, but also printability or legal issues 
> (the chocolate cow)...

I completely agree, but given that we as localteam did not have any
meeting to discuss the logo proposal I thought that being *completely*
impartial in choosing the one going to the second round would have been
the best solution.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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