
I'm sending this mail prompted by the sudden problem we are having due
to having to send quotes (proformas, invoices, facturas or whatever)
to FFIS before they can wire us any money to be spent in Nicaragua,
and mainly because of the time each such transfer will take (and the
money it will cost - AFAICT, there is a fixed bank fe per
international transaction, and it is in our interest to keep the
number of transactions as low as possible).

But not only we want to have as few transactions as possible - We need
today (and we will badly need two weeks from now!) to have money
available as we need it (of course, being committed to spend it
correctly and getting proper invoices for every expense we make). We
have to be able to approve money to be spent right away for any
day-to-day issue we find.

How has this been handled in past conferences? Is there a way a larger
sum (more than what we have quotes/invoices for) can be transfered to
ISIC, with us being responsible that it is completely accounted for?

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