On 05/24/2012 03:18 PM, Felix Delattre wrote:
> Hello team,
> the local food team has a doubt concerning the water. Holger took the
> water from the tap during his trip here and we all drink from the tap.
> But some of us use filters or purified water (at least at home). We want
> you to provide guaranteed good water and propose two options:
> == 1. Ceramic water filters ==
> Photos: http://www.filtronnica.com/empresa.htm
> We first though about ceramic filters 

I just realized that i wrote ceramic filters. This is not correct: The
filters are made of mud and sawdust and impregnated with colloidal
silver, which together, like the website says, filters 98% of bacterias,
parasites and turbidity out of the water.

> and filling them up with usual
> water. Doubtless this is a nice, organic and sustainable option. We can
> even give this filters away after DebConf to public schools or orphanages.
> The biggest filters can store up to 30 liters of water. The filter
> itself has a capacity of 8 liters, wich need around 2.5 hours to run
> through and has to be refilled 3 to 4 times in 24 hours.
> We would need 15 filters to guarantee 2 liters of water in 24 hours for
> every participant.
> It would cost us around $360 to buy these filters.
> == 2. Purified Water in 5 gallon tank ==
> Photo: http://www.citymarket.com.ni/catalog/images/bidon20eh7.jpg
> If we calculate 2 liters every day per person it would be around 4000
> liters which would cost us around $380.
> At the end purified water and filters are about the same (looking at the
> price). With the filters we would have made a value which we could give
> away afterwards (sustainable consumption), further we would support
> alternative companies instead one of the biggest (but national) in
> Nicaragua. On the ecological side, we would have letting spent way less
> chemicals (for cleaning the purified water tanks) and used less plastics.
> BUT filters would mean "some work". They have to be prepared with water
> running through - to get rid of the ceramic flavor. And during DebConf
> and DebCamp they have so be refilled. We are happy to do so. But nobody
> really wants to be the water guy/girl. So we propose this to the whole
> team to know about your opinion.
> It would be good to know if you prefer filters and drink from it? And it
> would just nice to have this refilling task something we could do
> together? This way it wouldn't be a big task for anybody, only all of us
> would be sometimes refilling some filter tanks and good water would
> always be available for attendees. Or the other option is we just want
> to go the easy way and not more work, serving purified water; And
> everybody is going to be happy?
> Cheers,
> Felix
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