Norman García Aguilar dijo [Sat, May 12, 2012 at 01:19:01PM -0600]:
> > On Sat, 2012-05-12 at 20:18 +0100, Moray Allan wrote:
> > > Can some people work on personalised registration status messages, to go
> > > out as soon as possible but certainly before the sponsorship deadline?
> > > It's much easier if attendees find their mistakes now, rather than
> > > having to make special requests to us after the deadline.
> I'm checking penta and mailing people so they can fix some missing 
> information.

Sorry for the long-standing inaction in this regard.

I'm leaving here the query to have it handy if (when) it's needed
again, and to be corrected in case I messed anything up when asking

pentabarf=> SELECT count(*), participant_category, accom FROM 
     debconf.dc_conference_person JOIN debconf.dc_accomodation 
         USING (accom_id,conference_id)
     JOIN debconf.dc_participant_mapping 
         ON (participant_mapping_id=dc_participant_category_id)
     JOIN debconf.dc_participant_category 
         USING (participant_category_id, conference_id)
     WHERE attend AND conference_id=6
     GROUP BY accom, participant_category
     ORDER BY accom;

 count |             participant_category             |               accom     
     1 |  --- Please select one ---                   |  --- Please select one 
     5 | Basic; want sponsored food                   |  --- Please select one 
     2 | Basic; want sponsored food and accommodation |  --- Please select one 
     1 |  --- Please select one ---                   | I will arrange my own 
    15 | Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation    | I will arrange my own 
    12 | Basic; want sponsored food                   | I will arrange my own 
     1 | Basic; want sponsored food and accommodation | I will arrange my own 
     1 | Professional registration (US$650)           | I will arrange my own 
     2 |  --- Please select one ---                   | Regular DebConf 
    18 | Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation    | Regular DebConf 
    11 | Basic; want sponsored accommodation          | Regular DebConf 
     5 | Basic; want sponsored food                   | Regular DebConf 
   123 | Basic; want sponsored food and accommodation | Regular DebConf 
     3 | Corporate registration (US$1300)             | Regular DebConf 
    13 | Professional registration (US$650)           | Regular DebConf 
(15 rows)

So our inconsistencies are:

* All of the 8 people who have accom="Please select one"
* The (non-overlapping) 3 people who have "Please select one" for 
* The one person who has "professional registration" and "I will arrange my own"
* The 18+5 people who have "regular DebConf accomodation" but requested basic 
without accomodation
  (quite probably, will be just asking, as those last 18+5 might be locals)

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