
Thanks for the minutes. I'm just back from a short visit to Belgrade
and will write the promised visual identity brief today. I also did
not contact any design schools like I thought I would, I'll see what's
possible today in Bern, Zurich and Bienne, - and report back to you.


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:48:11AM +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here are the (late) meeting minutes from the latest DebConf13 Local Team
> meeting, last Wednesday, 9. May 2012.
> (This meeting very unfortunately collided with the IRC Global Team
> meeting, sorry. We'll make sure it doesn't happen anymore.)
> ==== DebConf13.ch Local Team meeting minutes - 2012-05-09 ====
> === Attendees list ===
> * gaudenz
> * kevinmoilar
> * OdyX
> * Arne Wichmann
>   First time in a DC13.ch meeting, did short-introduction:
>   * Non-DD, Debian, old-be.
>   * Mostly involved in .de matters, moving to Basel (CH). \o/
>   * Technical person also enjoying working with persons
> * cate
> * gismo
> * rafw
> * heiserhorn (mike)
> === TODO-list ===
> * Everyone:
>   * everyone collects addresses of potential local sponsors and
>     sends them to gismo, preferably in private.
> * Heiserhorn:
>   * asks LeCamp:
>     - a definitive answer about camping with private tents.
>     - for their "last" decision-making date about settling tents during
>       DC13.ch.
>     - for a binding offer for food and accommodation. Calculation
>       basis: 200 persons on average.
>   * with hug, starts a rough budget (that includes travel sponsorship),
>     to be evolved through time.
>   * translates/writes the cover letter in Italian;
> * Kevin:
>   * writes the template of what we need as "Visual Identity" before 16.
>     May.
> * gismo:
>   * sends emails to designers and other proposers after 16. May if the
>     "schools" plan fails.
>   * asks Michael about news from his colleague and clarifies the plan
>     with him.
>   * coordinates the collection of local sponsors coordinates;
>   * with OdyX, translates the sponsoring brochure in French.
>   * translates the sponsoring brochure in Italian.
> * gaudenz:
>   * contacts the Global Sponsor Team to discuss the sponsoring
>     procedure for DebConf;
>   * talks to global sponsoring team about access to the private svn
>     repository;
>   * makes a proposal for the levels for sponsoring.
>   * with OdyX, update the LaTeX sponsoring brochure with relevant data.
> * hug:
>   * with heiserhorn, starts a rough budget (that includes travel
>     sponsorship), to be evolved through time.
> * Arne:
>   * converts the sponsoring brochure in LaTeX
>   * translates the sponsoring brochure in German;
>   * translates/writes the cover letter in German;
> * OdyX:
>   * sends the minutes to the list,
>   * with gaudenz, update the LaTeX sponsoring brochure with relevant
>     data.
>   * with gismo, translates the sponsoring brochure in French.
>   * writes the English and French cover letters.
> === Minutes ===
> == Minutes (themselves) ==
> * DECISION: We shall agree on the minutes during the meeting (before
>             its end).
> * DECISION: Minutes are sent to the mailing-list and can then be
>             referred to from the wiki.
> * DECISION: Minutes shall be kept short and keep only the decisions,
>             the reasons for the decision and the most important
>             opinions; including a short "TODO list".
> * DECISION: Decisions and Todo's are put on the top of the minutes
> == Team pages ==
> * INFO: Team pages are not finished yet, please do.
> == Experience from the Phone / Mumble meeting ==
> * OPINION: They are a good tool.
> * DECISION: Physical meetings are preferred though at least for "core"
>             local team meetings but mumble meetings can be used by
>             teams.
> * INFO: Nobody is bothered too much by traveling to Bern or Fribourg.
> == Milestones / Roadmap ==
> The proposed version at http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/roadmap .
> * DECISION: Roadmap is sensible, go ahead.
> * DECISION: We agree on doing week-ends.
> == Update from "Hospitality team" ==
> Report from the recent visit by 4 persons followed by a phone-call with
> Mr. Pianaro from LeCamp.
> See http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/minutes-20120502 for
> extensive minutes.
> * INFO: Price-wise: pricing would be decided with the average of
>         attendees across days
> * INFO: It's _NOT_ possible to use their kitchen.
> * INFO: Buvette/Bar/…: LeCamp would be fine to build a tent somewhere
>         on the field.
> * INFO: There would be a corkage fee ("droit de bouchon", sort-of "tax"
>         on the sellings we do using their facilities).
> * INFO: Cooks can handle > 325 persons (e.g. up to 1000 for one lunch)
> * INFO: Formal dinner is possible there.
> * INFO: No problem for dietary restrictions provided advance warning.
> * INFO: Electrical Power is an issue for LeCamp. They propose to
>         contact the power supplier to secure (financiary and
>         technically) the power supply.
> * INFO: One "65W" power supply powered on for 14 days at 17 cents/kWh
>         is 3.70 CHF per person. So we have to pay attention that they
>         don't overestimate the costs of electricity.
> = Food in Le Camp =
> * QUESTION: It's not clear what we will be charged for catering.
> * QUESTION: Is it possible to "mix" suppliers?
>          A: Probably not if we share with them.
> * Non-DECISION: There is nothing we can _decide_ right now.
> = Bar vs Sleeping "tent" / Camping =
> * QUESTION: In the Bid decision, we "sold" LeCamp as beds + "camping
>             allowed" to Global Team; is that still true?
>          A: Not unrestrictedly from the above report.
> * TODO: Heiserhorn asks LeCamp a definitive answer about camping with
>         private tents.
> * TODO: Heiserhorn asks Le Camp for a binding offer for food and
>         accomodation. Calculation basis: 200 persons on average.
> * TODO: Heiserhorn asks LeCamp for their "last" decision-making
>         date about settling tents during DC13.ch.
> == Logo ==
> * INFO: A colleague of Michael will propose three types of logo.
> * QUESTION: What is the deadline for this?
> * QUESTION: What is needed for the brochure?
> * DECISION: We need a ''complete'' visual identity (not only logo) to
>             be able to comunicate in a coherent manner.
> * QUESTION: Which would be better between a&b?
>    a) "send out sponsoring brochures without logo sooner (end of
>        june)"
>    b) "send out sponsoring brochures with logo later (after DC12)"
> * DECISION: We shall not spend money for a visual identity.
> * DECISION: We try to find a design school within a week (until 16 May)
>             and start the "open request" (to "Free" designers including
>             DeviantArt) after this time. Decision is to be taken on 31
>             May (or around).
> * TODO: Kevin writes the template of what we need as "Visual Identity"
>         before 16 May.
> * TODO: gismo sends emails to designers and other proposers after 16
>         May if the "schools" plan fails.
> * TODO: gismo asks Michael about news from his colleague and clarifies
>         the plan with him.
> == Sponsoring ==
> * INFO: We want to first contact Swiss sponsors. This should be done
>         just before DC12 to profit from and to DC12. Swiss local
>         sponsors are unlikely to give a lot of money for a conference
>         in Nicaragua.
> * TODO: gaudenz contacts the Global Sponsor Team.
> * TODO: gaudenz makes a proposal for the levels for sponsoring.
> * TODO: h² (hug and heiserhorn) start a rough budget (that includes
>         travel sponsorship), to be evolved through time.
> * TODO: everyone collects addresses of potential local sponsors and
>         sends them to gismo, preferably in private. gismo coordinates.
> * QUESTION: How do we keep track of who-sent-to-which-company and
>             ensures followup ?
>          A: Through the svn private repository or as backup plan we use
>             our private git.
> * TODO: gaudenz talks to global sponsoring team about access to
>         the private svn repository;
> * TODO: Arne converts the sponsoring brochure in LaTeX.
> * TODO: gaudenz and OdyX update the sponsoring brochure (in LaTeX) with
>         relevant data.
> * INFO: Sponsoring brochure has to be translated to local languages:
> * TODO: Arne: German
>         gismo: French; proofread by OdyX
>         gismo: Italian
> * INFO: We need a cover letter.
> * TODO: OdyX does English and French;
>         Arne does German;
>         Heiserhorn does Italian.
> * INFO: We need a bank/Post account; hug is probably doing that "soon".
> * INFO: We need a "person-of-contact", one for each contact taken: to
>         be decided across the dispatch.
> * QUESTION: How and when do we need to be ready to send the sponsoring
>             requests?
>          A: 15 June, in order to be able to send before end-of-June.
>          A: Raw draft to be ready on 1 June.
> * INFO: We have to followup the sponsoring requests, including call
>         them over the phone; "Day-0: send the letter; Day+5/10: phone
>         them" is a good plan.
> * INFO: Strategy is "Divide and Conquer": we build the list and
>         dispatch it through the volunteers; one person does the
>         follow-up but we keep a central point of contact (role email
>         address ?)
> == Bylaws ==
> * INFO: Tax-exempt donations are possible towards foundation like FFIS
>         in Germany or FSFE as represented in Switerzland;
> * INFO: VAT is an open question, not sorted out yet.
>         We don't know if we have to pay VAT on sponsorship we receive,
>         or on goods we sell.
> * DECISION: Postpone decision about the association structure we want
>             to DebConf13 to times with more information (especially
>             VAT).
> = Next meeting =
> DECISION: Monday 18. June 2012 in Bern; time and place to be confirmed
>           later on.

> _______________________________________________
> Debconf13-localteam mailing list
> debconf13-localt...@lists.debconf.org
> http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf13-localteam

Kevin Mueller
Neubrückstrasse 55
CH - 3012 Bern
Phone +41 31 301 89 61
Mobile +41 78 614 00 66
GPG  0xFE224440

Skype: kevinmoilar | Twitter: kevinmoilar

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