On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> wrote:

> Then, for the allocation of funds, just ask people to place people in
> order of preference as though they were solely and personally
> responsible for allocating the funds, possibly including a couple of
> markers, like "Should Fund above" and "Should not fund below" -- then we
> shove that lot into Condorcet and hope something vaguely useful pops out
> the other end.

ICBW but I'm not sure Condorcet is sensible for a multi-winner election?

A couple of other things that should perhaps be taken into account here:

- In an ideal world, I don't think we would do travel money allocation
completely independently each year.  While a new method for choosing voters
might increase the variation in results between years, making the problem
less bad, if you suppose that we magically knew the correct fair ordering
of everyone, I don't think we should simply allocate the money to the same
top-ranking people each year, but spread it further down the list.  (If we
ignore this question for this year, we might at least start to keep more
accessible records of how much money has been allocated to who, without
other private information, that can be used in future years, if desired, to
even things out a bit.)

- In an ideal world, I don't think we should ignore the amounts of money
being requested.  While it's clearly hard to make judgements between
specific individuals, if you imagine a case where person N on the list will
cost the same amount of money to transport as people N+1, N+2, ... N+10, it
might make sense to bring the ten following people before person N.  In
practice, we *do* see big variations between flight costs; this isn't
merely a hypothetical problem.  (I also realise that we might need to take
into account the reasons for high flight costs, and e.g. whether they're
likely to be lower the following year.)

- To deal directly with the most common case of that: just as we had a
separate pot of money for "DebConf newbies" in the last couple of years, it
might make sense to have separate pots for regional vs. distant people.
 It's hard to trade off the two cases when looking at individual people, so
it might be easier to make an overall split of the money.  It's good to
bring people to DebConf from far away, but it's also an efficient use of
Debian money to bring people to years when they are relatively closer to
the venue.  (What is considered "regional" would vary between years
depending on how travel prices look to the destination, rather than being
defined as a specific level of distance.)

- It would be fair to require some more explicit information from people
seeking travel money, to make the voters' job easier.  We should also
perhaps also require people who receive it (and if so probably anyone who
received sponsored accommodation/food) to write something about what they
did at DebConf, and keep that information such that it could potentially be
used in future decision-making.

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