On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 02:48:17 +0100
Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Samstag, 25. Februar 2012, Felix Delattre wrote:
> > * "Can we move "Logo printed on conference bag" from silver to bronze? I
> > believe that we can get more local support if we do that. Local team,
> > what do you think?"
> Hm, I really like the way we have now: bronce=website, silver=tshirt (short 
> for cloth), gold=video, platinum=premium partner. It's easy to remember and 
> thus to explain,.
> moving the logo on the bag to bronce would break this. (and we would make the 
> higher category slightly less valuable...)
> that said, I'm not strictly against moving. But quite a bit ;)

Yes, I really like how levels are defined as well. From my "local company 
owner" POV is less atractive,  but..... we need to try to do our best to get 
local sponsors with those levels.

So, we have levels! :) and sponsorship_brochure_en ready :) yey!!!!


Norman García <nor...@riseup.net>

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