On 12/18/2011 12:35 AM, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Anyway, I like this design and the mix of naive-style drawing, visual
> reference to Central America culture and life mixed with a few geeky
> references. It sounds like a good picture of what to expect over there
> (I'm reading books about Nicaragua/Honduras/Salvador/Costa Rica as of
> now as we're preparing for a trip after Debconf...and, frankly
> speaking, I can hardly wait for being there!)

I like the design, as well - good work!  I am just going to throw this
out there, since only a few days ago I heard this PRI story on the radio
and instantly thought of "how can debconf help?"  I'm not sure how
technology can relate to rampant Chronic Kidney Disease, but perhaps a
few hundred globally diverse geeks can figure out a way to bring some
awareness to a growing regional problem - maybe researchers using
Debian, the products we choose to consume during debconf, ...(?)


Warm regards,
Michael Shuler

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