
I'm writing you as part of next year's Debconf local team, responsible for
accessibility of Debconf 12, hotel and everything related to the venue.

Next week we are going to see the local venue with two persons from local
organization working on disability issues. We have contacted them and hope
that we can have company of one phisically and one visually handicapped
person to evaluate the accessibility of the venue.

But before, I kindly would like you to ask to review the Accessibility
Checklist [0] on the wiki to see what else should we consider in order to
take note of it and to get a real impression about the possibilities and
challenges for the organization of having next Debconf be a success in
accessibility. We will translate this document and study it with the local
specialists and hotel stuff.

Thank you!

[0] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/AccessibilityChecklist

Rodrigo Rodríguez
Sociólogo y Comunicador social
Linux user # 471524 | Ubuntu user # 23047
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