On 08/31/2011 10:12 AM, Velimir Iveljic wrote:
Richard asked me to try and collect some more details regarding the
"local budget" so I was planing on talking with DIVA about everything.
I made contact, they agreed to meet and tell me what we need to know,
but then just decided to ignore me for some reason. I am now not in
Bosnia anymore so the only thing i can do is send them some more
emails to try and get detailed info about everything, which I will of
course do.
I really don't want to get into the discussion about why they didn't
want to talk to me, since I have no info about it and I don't think it
will get us anywhere. We can chat about that on IRC :)
On 08/30/2011 10:11 PM, Holger Levsen wrote:
disclaimer: I dont think we can nor should really try to change anything
regards this part of the budget (or so to say, these "numbers"), but
I still
want to add some comments "for fun".
RAFTING 6. 384, 00
RAFTING (Buses ) 2. 400, 00
Were those 6km really for the rafting itself or is that a bad
translation for
"food at the rafting place"? ;)
The first number is I believe the the lunch and the activities we had
(the greatly negotiated rafting ppl enjoyed and the visit to the
The second number is beyond my abilities to comprehend so i will not
even try to do it!
Insurance of equipment and everything else 7. 000, 00
uppps, so why did we credit a sponsor for insurance of equipment?
I too asked about it, but of course didn't get any answers so i cannot
clarify :S
I get that this looks like a bunch of incompe
*incompetent ppl made things worse, but I hope you don't take that image
from the whole thing :)
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