As someone who has helped with the debconf front desk for the last two
years (debconf 10 and 11) I have some ideas that I think would help
make the front desk run smoother.

* Written documentation for all front desk procedures that should, as
  much as possible, be enough for a first-time debconf attendee that
  has only used pentabarf to register to run the front desk alone.  **
  This document should be updated as procedures change, with
  at-conference changes in bold or otherwise emphasised, and all
  frontdesk people should look at it before each shift. ** The debconf
  wiki would be a good place for this document.

* Confidential information needed by front desk (non-public phone
  numbers, where cash is hidden, etc.) should be in a separate
  document.  Please realize that anyone working front desk alone may
  need this information.

* If there is extra stock of t-shirts, bags, or whatever not stored at
  the front desk the workers need to know this and how to access it.

* There should be a single designated place for lost&found items.

* A printed map of the debconf facilities and current printed schedule
  should be at the front desk, possibly posted on a wall.

* FAQ of attendees and answers should be on the wiki.  Significant
  changes should be noted in front desk documentation if daily reading
  of the FAQ is not required.

* There needs to be a policy on at-the-door registration.  If this
  involves registering in penta, there should be a computer dedicated
  to this.

* If the front desk is handling cash, (food ticket, t-shirt sales,
  etc.) there should be a cash box and somewhere secure to store it.
  Excess cash should be stored away from front desk.

* It should be possible for the front desk to generate cash receipts on
  request.  A simple receipt book would be enough.

* There should be a pre-determined time and price when excess t-shirts
  and bags can be sold, and if the staff/video shirts are included.

* Document
  - If there are more shirts coming, when they are expected.
  - how to handle press
  - storage for attendees, if available.  Items should be marked who
    they belong to, or matching tokens given.  (playing cards cut in
    half with binder clips work for this.)
  - first aid supplies, if any
  - how to get someone who speaks the local language
  - handicapped access procedures
  - printing procedures, including how to get more printer/ink
  - how to open/close front desk
  - interactions with other teams, or who to point people at.

* There should be an adequate supply of pens, note paper, tape, post-its,
  markers, paper clips.  Pens will walk off, front desk people should
  not be expected to bring their own and have it walk off.

* some overlap in shifts.  staggered shifts on the busy days when
  multiple people needed would be good.  shorter shifts should be
  allowed, to avoid the "I want to see talk at 11:00, so I can't work
  the 9:30-12:30 shift phenomenon.

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