Here are the notes written on gobby during the DebConf-in-Debian BoF this afternoon:
DebConf primary and secondary purposes DebConf chairs delegated: gwolf, moray, h01ger Slides: DebConf/Debian finances Forked at first expense Merged back as soon as possible after DC finishes Attempt to have DC balanced in zeros Infrastructure overlap wiki, lists, websites, ud-ldap, hardware administration, domain and other details are still not merged with Debian => Some fixes must be made, as the halves use different programs/formats karora: The content of the Debian Wiki is quite different from the content of the DebConf one => h01ger: Same syntax would be better => moray, zack: Maintenance burden => via dkg: pabs volunteered for translating the Wiki pentabarf maintenance -- we have our own fork, this needs maintained (or replaced, but that's easier to say than do successfully) To discuss/decide: If we are to properly fork Penta and become upstreams, become _real_ upstreams - Publish our changes, make it installable, etc. That would enable us not only to tweak, but also to simplify. (FWIW, the CCC is also looking for a Penta maintainer) Faidon: Try to welcome people involved in DebConf into Debian (everybody else: But we do!) igustin: OK, I want to help in some way in future DebConfs (have experience in organizing Linux conferences in Croatia for years) _______________________________________________ Debconf-team mailing list