On Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 02:45:14PM +0200, Velimir Iveljic wrote:

> I think it is safe to remove the columns right away, since the
> Shuttles are not going to happen.

Someone made a good point that the arrivals and departures may
overload the public carrier buses on the first and last days of
DebConf, as I think someone has mentioned recently.

You can find a distribution of arrival and departure dates here:

Perhaps a local team member could arrange shuttles on the biggest
arrival days(s) and departure date, at times convenient for the most
common arrivals?  They don't have to be right after every flight,
people can have a chance to explore Zagreb, too.

This would have been a more reasonable way to go about planning
shuttles for the start - focusing on the busiest days, instead of
promising everyone a shuttle.  I'm sure someone suggested this in the
past, but the promise of "everyone" got in the way of the more
reasonable option.

Just due to the recent confusion about how DebConf teams work, I'll
elaborate on how we could go about doing this:

* A local team volunteer (or global, if desired) (not DIVA) looks at
  the cost of renting a buses.  You don't have to ask permission to
  make a proposal.  Asking DIVA people what they found so far might be
  a good start.  Get prices for different size shuttles.

* Look at the wiki page to see when the most arrivals are.  You could
  ask darst to do penta queries for only non-bosnians for arrival

* Send debconf-team this information, and a proposal for how many
  shuttles and what times would be worth it.

* DebConf team decides if it's worth the cost.

* Local team volunteers work with DIVA to arrange booking and

Would anyone like to work on a proposal?


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 718 days, 9:47
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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