
On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 03:38:28PM +0200, NVO DIVA wrote:
> DayTrip will be a picknick on river of Vrbas.Those who want to do
> rafting can do rafting, others can walk around through canyon and
> enjoy the nature, or enjoy bicycles or quad motorcycles. For those who
> don't want to do any of these activities will be able to enjoy food
> and drinks at the compound which consists of restaurant and a bar.
> Ending point of those who do rafting will be this place where
> everybody will be eating/drinking thus nobody will be separated and we
> should all be at the same spot.

Sounds great for me. I plan to have my folding bike with me like at
DebConf in Caceres, so I'd be one of those who would go bicycling. :-)

                Kind regards, Axel
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