On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 12:25:02PM +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
>Hi there!
>On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 12:25:36 +0200, Velimir Iveljic wrote:
>>> On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:33:45 +0200, Velimir Iveljic wrote:
>>>> Can we organize a merchandise sales during Debian Day?
>>> Yes, we can.  But we need to know if that is allowed (hint: behind
>>> authorisation, import/export and sale taxes) and what we want to sell:
>>> time is running up, especially if there is any material that must be
>>> shipped Europe- or world-wide.
>> i'll check everything and let you know as soon as possible!
>DebConf11 is now two weeks ahead, so it is time to get things done™, so
>I would like to:
>- know if we plan to have a shop for the Debian Day to plan the
>  merchandise needed.
>- send debian.ch merchandise at the beginning of the next week, thus I
>  need a postal address in Banja Luka.  Please note that there is a
>  remote possibility that debian.ch stuff will arrive with someone from
>  Switzerland, but this is far to be decided, yet.
>- order some Credativ merchandise which will must sent to Banja Luka
>  (AFAIK Alexander Wirt is not coming to DebConf11, but I do not know
>  for other Credativ guys), thus I need the same postal address as
>  above...
>Is there any particular detail I should know for the shipments?

I'm thinking we might also be able to squeeze in a box of Ts from the
UK too, but not 100% sure yet. We'll also only be arriving late in the
day on the 23rd.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"This dress doesn't reverse." -- Alden Spiess

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