Andreas Tille dijo [Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 09:34:20AM +0200]:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 04:48:25PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> >   ‣ Blends — Only one talk, although there is at least one other that
> You are probably refering to
>               Blending Debian (711)
> But I would also see the following events (not "lectures") in this field
>       (…)

Ok, all tagged

> The event
>       Measuring Team Performance (712)
> is also very strongly connected to Blends (the effort was actually
> invented to see how a Blend works but it will be useful for other teams
> inside Debian.

humm, this was already tagged as for the «Debian / Society» track. You
can fight over it with dkg ;-)

> Moreover it would not harm to have
>       Derivatives Roundtable (716)
>       (…)
> In a similar sense
>       Debian dErivatives eXchange (DEX)
> is related to the Blends topic.

Tagged as well.

> IMHO this would make a reasonable scheduling for the Blends topic in the
> Morning in the lectures room continuing in the afternoon in the BOF room.

Now... Please keep in mind you gave me a list of _11_ events (minus
one, for 712). Regular event duration is 45 minutes (+15 free time),
so in order to have them all during the same day, it will be over one
day. Of course, you can talk with some of the authors requesting them
to shorten the talks and fit them all together (and check with
videoteam to see what is agreeable to their schedule).

Anyway, I just tagged them all, we can discuss at the meeting what
needs to be done.

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