Thank you for those who showed support to have one such lecture, as I
find it to be absolutely necessary and that we will only have gain
from one such event.

>  Regarding travel I think our budget allows
> 500€, but this needs checking for actual numbers in the budget.

Holger, Please check this number for me, I just sent them an email
that we will sponsor their accommodation/food + travel and told them
to register.

Besides everything, I think Guido and Jesus are doing us a favor by
doing this talk and not charging for the talk but just asking for the
sponsorship options. AFAIK both of them are DD's and have been
attending DebConf's while Jesus has even organized one in Helsinki

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Holger Levsen <> wrote:
> Hi Adnan,
> "given the political situation" I'm absolutly in favor of giving the(se)
> speaker(s) sponsored accom+food. Regarding travel I think our budget allows
> 500€, but this needs checking for actual numbers in the budget.
> Even if (I think) its somewhat silly, I acknowledge that "having a google talk
> on the debianday schedule" will boost (local) promo and perception.
> cheers,
>        Holger

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