-=| Valessio Brito, Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 09:45:30PM -0300 |=-
> I update interactive svg.. and submit alternative proposal to wiki:
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts

The all-over logo looks really great! (first row, right).
It would be quite expensive, though. If the shirt is 60cm by 70cm this 
makes 0.4m² × 35€/m² = 14€ only for printing the front. If we add 3€ 
for the back and 3€ for the shirt, this makes 20€ per shirt. Quite 
a jewel :)  (I mean expensive, but really nice)

My second favourite is the right design on the second row 
(necklace-like). 0.18m² would give 12.30€ total.

Note I am not saying we should accept/reject a design based solely on 
the cost of production. Just giving some data points to help the final 

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