I like the first idea!

Also, we have some website promotional material ready here:


On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Adnan Hodzic <ad...@foolcontrol.org> wrote:
> # Nezavisne Novine
> After my recent interview for Nezavisne Novine (Independent
> Newspapers) they expressed great interest in being one of the
> companies that would like to do the media coverage. They are ready to
> start printing out our ad in the daily newspapers, we just need to
> make one, now from very start I had two ideas for this one:
> # 1.
> There would be a tag cloud on the left, with names of all the cities
> DebConf was in so far; some of them being more highlighted/bigger
> while the others would be smaller ones/thinner/whatever. For example
> New York City, Helsinki, Olso, Edinburgh and so on ...
> One city would be the thickest one and the largest one and would be
> coming out of that cloud and that would be "Banja Luka.
> Below this we would have big DebConf11 logo.
> While below this we would have logo of Government of Republika Srpska,
> DIVA, Debian (no particular order unless you think there should be
> some).
> # 2.
> Even though this is not a conference of such character, Government and
> other are especially pro for this conference as it brings specialist
> from all over the world.
> My initial idea for second ad was to just say in some nice font
> (droid?) "Debian in Banja Luka?"
> Below it DebConf11 logo and below it the logos I mentioned above.
> This also remains me that we could have Banners made for websites to use
> Now when I talked to people from government regarding this idea, they
> said they would much like it if tag line was something along "Google
> in Banja Luka?" Why Google, well because to every company it rings an
> ear, now the question is how much do really have to do with Google?
> Either way those were my two suggestions,
> # DebConf11 banners
> This is another thing we should start thinking about, as some people
> already expressed interest in putting our banners on their
> sites/portals/so on. Another interesting gimmick could be the "count
> downs" until DebConfs.
> We should prolly make some kind of contents for all the ideas I
> proposed here, but before that ... thoughts?
> Adnan
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