Richard Darst dijo [Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 06:35:26PM -0400]:
> Hi,
> These people are currently listed under the talks team:
> (…)
> We need some people (doesn't have to be from this list) to lead the
> team right now mainly getting a call for papers out, along with
> deciding any changes which should be done this year.  If someone wants
> to do this and it's your first time - that's great, we'll help.

Ok, so Richard persuaded me to take the lead of this team. Man, does
this man have his way with words!

> This team should probably start forming and getting a call for papers
> out.  Luckily, this is easier due to the past announcement archive:
> Whoever is in charge of the team would then answer any questions from
> attendees, call for more volunteers to help with the rating, arrange
> talks teams meetings to do rating, notify people, and continue to
> answer any questions that come up.

I hope the seven people already listed for this task are a big enough
team to do the talks rating. I do not anticipate the need of growing
it - at least not yet. At some point, closer to the conference, the
talk selection will be done and we will then form a talk scheduling
team (as usual), which might be of different composition.

> We have a global team meeting tomorrow, so whoever would like to head
> this up, if you could talk a bit at the meeting, we can send you off.
> In the meantime, please reply to this mail.

I will be unable to be present during the meeting. However, please
discuss proposed dates - Please assume all infrastructural work will
be ready (i.e. today's discussion on IRC regarding registration by
Penta). I guess the CFP should open effective immediately when
registration is opened. We should agree on some timeline for talk
submissions (to be approved as official - I don't think I have to go
into details right now :) ), a timeline for talks acceptance
announcement, for schedule announcement, etc.


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