On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:02:27AM +0100, Adnan Hodzic wrote:

> Of course I have, I believe you misunderstood me with this one, I
> believe it was due to miscommunication. When I said we want to eat in
> one place, that is at the Venue. They told me Venue is highly cultural
> place, and for one such place it does seem right for people to be
                                   should be "doesn't" and the rest of
                                   the paragraph makes more sense...

> eating there. That's when they told me, but we could arrange this to
> be done at hotel. Because those 600 people rafting championship, they
> wanted the same thing and they ate at Bosna Hotel. So that's what we
> are going as well, even though I'm still planning to have official
> dinner at the Venue big talk room.

On IRC, what Adnan implied this meant want than "they" (I should have
asked who "they" is) said that with the venue being a cultural center
and all, a bunch of rowdy people eating there probably wouldn't be
appropriate.  (my paraphrase, not sure how accurate I got it.)

So, chances of being able to eat at the venue have decreased, but we
will see.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 612 days, 1:50
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