On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> I'm (very much) fine with this. (Though I notice there is no explicit
> topic "global team / interested people ask the bids questions" - I think
> there should be one, even if short, and even if the time for asking question
> has been the last three month. But maybe a short topic? Or maybe not.

Good point.

I didn't say so in my post, but I envisaged these questions during the
priority list run-through, to ask about specific relevant aspects.

(And perhaps by being asked on a discussion channel first, then taken
over in turn to the main channel, if it's thought that voicing
everyone on the main channel will lead to too much confusion.)

> And here I disagree. Let me explain: I think we should find a decision on the
> 22nd, but I also think we don't have to, if things are not clear enough yet.

I agree with this, except that I would prefer to put stronger "if we
definitely really need it" wording around the chance of a second
meeting.  I know that the bid teams have been waiting for a long time
already, so we shouldn't delay things longer, now at the last moment,
without good reason.

> Thinking about this, I also notice now, that the agenda has no "timeline",
> while usually we aim for having a meeting in an hour. I dont think one hour
> is realistic for this meeting, but I dont want to decide in 5min at the end
> of a three hour meeting neither.

Right, a timeline was mentioned on the list discussion previously but
we never came up with a specific one.

The timeframe you suggest looks broadly sensible, except for two points:

- I really hope that the bid teams have the materials ready in advance
(as already requested), so the "describe" points become posting a
single link then waiting for people to read them.  If the bid teams
are prepared, as requested, it could be better to post all these
answers quickly then have a single delay until people have read them
and are ready to continue.  (Preferably, the bid teams would post them
before the meeting, so there would be no delay.)

- If we're having a cut-off time, I would suggest that there's some
buffer period on that (the cut-off length is more than the planned
time), so that we don't just go "oops, it's two hours now?  stop
immediately" when we could have been done in 2 minutes more.  In the
timeframe you posted, if we used the individual time limit for each
item we would cut off the meeting before a decision, so the individual
times should be less or the overall time greater.

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