
i've looked into this some more and as i understand it, the only
problem here is that in order for them to get a visa (for 90 days) is
they have to travel far away!

When i say "only" i don't mean it's a small problem!
We will make some kind of arrangement for them, to get the visa not
having to travel too far away.

Also, everyone else from any other country with the same problem, will
have help from regarding this, so don't worry to much!


On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Velimir Iveljic
<velimir.li...@foolcontrol.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Joerg Jaspert <jo...@ganneff.de> wrote:
>> Hi
>> lets see if you can fix this, at least for attendees of DC11:
>> The regulations for a visa for Taiwanese people is quite offending and
>> entirely not helpful for DebConf...
> I guess all we can say is that we are sorry things are this way, it is
> out of our control!
>> This is bad in so many ways. First, as an extra mockery, citizens of
>> Macao and HongKong can get in without anything. Then, having to send
>> your stuff to Bejing (not much chance in getting it to London or
>> Budapest when you are on the other side of the world) is already pretty
>> offending to many Taiwanese people. And many times also impossible or
>> near to it.
>> And also only able to get a 5 day visa, while everyone else can get up
>> to 90 days (and most of them just at airport arrival).
>> As its said you have good government contacts, can you try to get
>> something better with them? Even if it is just temporary or just for a
>> list of names we provide?
>> What would be best would be an extended stay in the country (DebConf and
>> DebCamp are a little more than 5 days, especially if both together) and
>> also the issuing of a visa at airport arrival time.
> Of course we are going to get into this ASAP and try to smooth things
> out for the people of Taiwan!
> We promise to do our best and we think we can make an arrangement with
> the govt. officials to grant these people Visas pain-free!
> We knew that there are some countries that were going to have these
> kind of problems
> and we thought about doing something about it, we just didn't know if
> there is someone coming from these parts of the world to DC11,
> thus we waited for the list of people with Visa issues to be made
> (ragistration?).
> Anyways, thank you for bringing this up once more :)
> Velimir
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