> This "contract" is what is needed to disburse money to a person?

Yep, and tax fee will be 10% for each. We (DC11 team) signed these to
get sponsorships from Government to get to DC10 in NYC.

> Is the government handling the accommodation and food for sponsored
> attendees, separate from the NGO?  This is what some of us had
> understood.

Consider government money as the DIVA NGO money from now on. They
decided to give us all the money, so we can distribute it among
ourselves (NGO's) towards what's needed.

> To facilitate this, could you start working up a list of expected
> costs, and who is paying them if they are know (for example, gov
> paying directly for hotel and food and venue and not having to pass
> through us).  For now, just use whatever format is most convenient and
> we can start making real budget spreadsheet or whatever later.

Okay, I'll start working on this once and have it delivered ASAP.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:20 PM, Richard Darst <r...@zgib.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 05:49:29PM +0100, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
>> We (DIVA) talked to the accountant again, and I've mentioned contracts
>> above. After accountant looked over this again, she says that we would
>> need to make contract with every person we would grant that
>> sponsorship t, + every single person would be 10% tax.
> This "contract" is what is needed to disburse money to a person?
>> So DIVA would rather have some other NGO (of these two) pay for the
>> travel/accommodation/food sponsorships because of this situation. In
>> case some of these NGO's didn't collect enough money to pay for all of
>> it, DIVA would send them required amount for the collected money.
> Is the government handling the accommodation and food for sponsored
> attendees, separate from the NGO?  This is what some of us had
> understood.
> (depending on the answer to this I will have more follow-up
> questions.)
>> I think the best way we could have this resolved is by dividing
>> responsibilities and what each NGO is going to pay for after the
>> sponsorship money is collected.
> To facilitate this, could you start working up a list of expected
> costs, and who is paying them if they are know (for example, gov
> paying directly for hotel and food and venue and not having to pass
> through us).  For now, just use whatever format is most convenient and
> we can start making real budget spreadsheet or whatever later.
> Thanks,
> - Richard
> --
> | Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 602 days, 17:44
> |            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
> | "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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