Hi Thomas,

That is a good suggestion. But please be sure, that everyone who is on the
list of ppl that need a visa to enter BiH, will have no problems on the
border or anywhere else, no mather how we end up resolving this issue.


On Mar 8, 2011 8:25 AM, "Thomas Koch" <tho...@koch.ro> wrote:

Adnan Hodzic:

> We also discussed other matters such as visas, I explained how the
> situation was with some of th...

I'd propose to request official invitations for the attendees that need
and send those to them in advance.
In my experience it is a very uncomfortable situation for people to travel
a foreign country for the first time and have to trust that the guy on the
border has received some list that I can enter.
If I'd have an official letter with me that declares the purpose of my visit
and is an official invitation, then I feel a lot safer.

Just an idea, Best regards,

Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro
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