> I think I've already mentioned it, but wouldn't it be better if a photo of 
> Banski dvor (being DC venue) was used for a header logo?

To be honest, we need to put an end to this, we've been working on
Brochure and Website for *two months* and we still don't have them
100% completed. Time's up we need this finished, as it seems by
Wednesday when I'm going for another meeting.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Enis Sahinovic <e...@itpro.ba> wrote:
> I think I've already mentioned it, but wouldn't it be better if a photo of 
> Banski dvor (being DC venue) was used for a header logo?
> Cheers,
> Enis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: debconf11-localteam-boun...@lists.debconf.org 
> [mailto:debconf11-localteam-boun...@lists.debconf.org] On Behalf Of Adnan 
> Hodzic
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 4:30 PM
> To: Vedran Omeragic
> Cc: Leandro Gómez; DebConf team; Debconf11 Local team
> Subject: Re: [Debconf11-localteam] [Debconf-team] Header Issues
>> * Could you please make a version without those white lines on the
>> main building?
>> It's all good, but I too would like to see a version without white
>> lines or at least thiner white lines. It's kinda crippling buildings
>> architecture.
> Actually the more I think about it, besides thiner white lines, what you 
> could also try to do is make images on building facade/windows even more 
> transparent by some >=35% && <=50% then they already are.
> Adnan
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Adnan Hodzic <ad...@foolcontrol.org> wrote:
>>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21510751/dc1107.png
>> Now this is what I call a header! Leondro, rock on! :)
>>> * Header height is too large in my opinion. When I open the site on
>>> my laptop, almost 70% of the site is just header. Scrolling down each
>>> time you open a new page may get really annoying. Height reduction
>>> may be in order...
>> Doesn't matter, it's different then any other DebConf header so far.
>> Classic "header" height is way to boring and after DC10 header it's
>> time to bring in some radical changes. Besides, we could make the
>> header interactive using JavaScript as well, right?
>> I'm using 1440x900 and this height is good, if it has to go lower then
>> right now I'd go 50px max, 25px top 25px bottom. Or maybe 35px top and
>> 15px bottom.
>>> * As for the width of the header, I assume you don't want it be
>>> repeatable. If so then site width will have to match headers width (1280px).
>> Width is different story, I'd definitely want the whole thing to be
>> there and so it doesn't repeat. Since this action may make
>> dispositional of the whole image, what I suggest is to center whole
>> website to the middle. It's too wide either way.
>>> * Could you please make a version without those white lines on the
>>> main building?
>> It's all good, but I too would like to see a version without white
>> lines or at least thiner white lines. It's kinda crippling buildings
>> architecture.
>>> @ Valessio Brito
>>> On 02/18/2011 05:28 PM, Valessio Brito wrote:
>>>> other proposal is resize header to 100px...
>>>> see:  http://valessiobrito.info/tmp/dc11/
>>> This is great and simple header, could you please try blending all
>>> the buildings with one background, sky preferably, so it looks as if
>>> they're all located in one street, right next to each other.
>> Absolutely not, what Leonardo did here is the winning combination, he
>> just needs to tailor it bit more with our help.
>> Leonardo, again, great job!
>> Adnan
>> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Vedran Omeragic
>> <ved...@vedranomeragic.com> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> @ Leandro Gómez
>>> On 02/20/2011 09:13 PM, Leandro Gómez wrote:
>>>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21510751/dc1107.png
>>> Hi,
>>> first of all, thank you for helping us with header, and I really
>>> liked the one from the link above. However, several issues with this:
>>> * Header height is too large in my opinion. When I open the site on
>>> my laptop, almost 70% of the site is just header. Scrolling down each
>>> time you open a new page may get really annoying. Height reduction
>>> may be in order...
>>> * As for the width of the header, I assume you don't want it be
>>> repeatable. If so then site width will have to match headers width (1280px).
>>> * Could you please make a version without those white lines on the
>>> main building?
>>> @ Valessio Brito
>>> On 02/18/2011 05:28 PM, Valessio Brito wrote:
>>>> other proposal is resize header to 100px...
>>>> see:  http://valessiobrito.info/tmp/dc11/
>>> This is great and simple header, could you please try blending all
>>> the buildings with one background, sky preferably, so it looks as if
>>> they're all located in one street, right next to each other.
>>> Thank you all for helping us out,
>>> Vedran
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>>> =efRt
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