Hey there, I think I can help with that map issue. I'm in Banja Luka everyday so it won't be difficult to me to mark all significant objects near the venue and hotel. I should get a real map of the whole city from a tourist bureau or something like that, and I will send it over the list. Also, I have a group of people who are willing to help with whatever is needed (regarding 'Volunteers' on this ToDo list). It's a students group on Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) in Banja Luka called EESTEC<http://eestec.net/>. This group is actually a local committee <http://eestec.etfbl.net/>, and I'm a member of that group as well. The group is numbering about 20 active members. I've talked to them, and they are willing to help with anything they can. As we're all located in Banja Luka, everything is much easier for us to check, investigate, ask, make a reservation etc. I think that we can be helpful, but it's up to you to decide.
Best regards, On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Vedran Omeragic <ved...@vedranomeragic.com>wrote: > Hi, > as we're pretty much out of 'planning phase', with most mayor dates > decided, we need to begin with serious preparations. There are still several > mayor unresolved issues, which I personally think should be dealt with by > the end of December and January so we can have a sound structure for the > Conference. The reason why I'm pushing all this a bit sooner than usual, is > in a case of some unexpected problems or inconsistency in our planning. This > way we'll have a lot of time to deal with it and make sure everything goes > as smoothly as possible. > > ToDo List > > > - I made a small ToDo ( DC11 specific) list, which for now, consists > only of few topics, but feel free to add anything you think is important to > the Conference. This way, we can keep track of what needs to be done, who > does what and what teams there are. Any help will be appreciated. > - Can be found at: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/ToDo > > > Travel Info > > > - A tough issue at the moment. While we do have some basic 'how to get > to BL' stuff, I would like to expand it much more so attendees can prepare > and choose the traveling routes best suited for them. In the next few days > I > will research 3 local Airports (Sarajevo, Zagreb, Belgrade) to see flight > plans. This might be tough, as there are many countries from which our > attendees come, so I'd appreciate if someone could help. Though it's still > too early to have exact flight dates, I'd still like to have some kind of > confirmation of existing flight routes during that period. After air > transport, we need to focus on land travel possibilities, like bus and > train > and also, mark all important routes and highways which will be used by > people coming with their own cars. > - Now, that we have exact dates of the Conference, we have to get in > contact with travel agencies to discuss a possible arrangement of shuttles > from airports, bus and train stations to the venue / hotel. First we need > to > know if that is possible, which I doubt would be a problem, then if it's > possible to book shuttles for the day of the camp/conference. We also need > to discuss the costs of this. (I'll discuss budget issues later in mail) > - Finally decide which map should be used as main navigational map for > dc11. In my opinion Open Street Maps is so far the best and if nobody > objects, I'll use it on official dc11 web site and wiki. However, I do have > a specific request for people from BL. All important facilities for the > conference, as well as exchange offices, banks, restaurants, ATMs, > ambulances/hospitals, pharmacies, etc will have to be marked. For that I > need someone from Banja Luka to go out and mark all these locations. Of > course, I only mean locations in near distance from Venue and Hotel Bosnia. > OSM already has a great deal marked, but what is missing, we should add > ourselves. So, who is willing to do this, or at least a part of it? > - Also, we need to know Customs rules ( what can and can't be > transported over the border ). > > Accommodations and Venue > > > - With official dates decided, we can finally book Banski Dvor for > hosting the conference as well as Hotel Bosnia as primary accommodation > option. > - During booking of Hotel(s), we should see if it's possible to get a > discount on a large group. I know it's a cheap shot, but it would > definitely > be a plus in our budget. > - Also, make sure to check out whatever is provided for guests (towels, > pillows, sheets...) so we can tell people what they need to bring, in case > it's not provided by hotel. > - Check out what technical equipment is available in Banski Dvor and > what will need to be brought. ( Where can I find info on previous DC > technical logistics, what equipment and in which amount was used for the > conference? ) > > > Budget, Costs, Sponsorships > > > - Time to make 'Financial Team'. We need someone who can keep record of > all costs, income, outcome and all available budget. > - We made a 'budget draft' in our paper for Government, but it's based > only on statistics from previous DCs, so it has a margin of error. > Nonetheless, I think we should base our future planning on these > statistics. > - After booking of hotel and shuttles, make a preliminary budget report > - Regarding the brochures, a friend said he'd like to design one, so we > have one more volunteer for the job. > > Local Team and Volunteers > > > - During the last few months a great deal of people said they are > willing to help. Anyone who volunteered said they are free and ready. Well, > now is time to help. Since everything we do is voluntarily, you will have > to > choose what you'll want to help with. Everyone is welcome, and please use > ToDo list to see what we need help with; Use DebConf11/Ideas for any > suggestions. > - If you want to join a specific team, just add your name to it on ToDo > List > - Also, on our Wiki, Local Team section, a lot of people added their > names to it, yet whenever help is need nobody's there. I understand > obligations, but don't add yourself if you really can't help or just want > your name on the board. I'm sure Adnan and Velimir will agree with me, when > I say that the Local Team list should be 'deservingly trimmed down' to > those > who actually did something or have in some way contributed to the > realization of dc11. > > Global Team > > > - While we are very enthusiastic about all this, it's also important to > know that most of us are new to the concept of hosting a huge conference. > Therefore, your guidance and help is very appreciate. We made mistakes > before, and will probably will make some more, but your patience is > appreciated. > - Just a question regarding penta, who makes it? We or you? > > Well, that's it for now > > _______________________________________________ > Debconf11-localteam mailing list > debconf11-localt...@lists.debconf.org > http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf11-localteam > > -- Bojana Borkovic aka Lunacy
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