On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 04:43:59PM +0000, Moray Allan wrote:

> Hopefully then we can generate some documentation on the status quo,
> and some ideas for how to do things better!

I have been thinking about some sort of different way to do things.
Here's what I thought up.  The basic idea is "when you have a decision
to make, find someone else better qualified to make it, and give them
all the information they need to do a better job than you".

So, my idea is:  Select some experienced debconfers from Debian (not
the current active DebConf team) and allow them to make the decision.
These people should be well-respected within Debian, have attended
many debconf, and perhaps been involved in debconf teams at some time
in the past.

The debconf team people serve as moderators and ask the hard and
important questions of the bid teams.  They make sure the deciders
know everything and that they don't accidentally pick something we
know won't work.

The Debian people are "listeners" and "deciders".  They absorb all the
information, and then decide.  They could take a few days off and get
other feedback, use intangible factors, whatever they feel is best.
They don't have to be restricted to a numerical scale, but they should
announce why they do things.

Advantages: This would be very transparent (since all the criteria
must be communicated debconf -> debian team), and would likely be seen
as fair by most observers.

Disadvantages: A *huge* bureaucratic overhead.  It would require
people from Debian to be interested enough for several weeks to read
through a lot of information - it may be hard to find someone who
cares this much.  Also, some people on the debconf team may not like
the idea of having the decision taken out of their hands - they work
so hard on it, so perhaps they deserve this one perk.

I'm not too sure if this is a good idea or not anymore.  It all
depends on if transparency is still a big issue.  It seems sort of
overkill.  Perhaps there should just be experienced/older debconf
people doing this.

Either way, it would seem that around now, we should think about
forming a group of a few people who will be expected to be at the
center of the decision process (but not the bid-write-up process).

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 524 days, 18:05
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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