Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> Michael, I'm not sure I interpret correctly your "not including"
> above. Does it mean that reimbursements will be subtracted from the
> above total (hence they are *included* in it) or rather that the money
> for pending reimbursements are elsewhere? Sorry for being a PITA, but
> it's quite important for me to get the right numbers :)

Sorry for the confusing wording.  I meant the current balance at FFIS
will be reduced by the pending EU travel reimbursements, meaning the
current balance is higher than the ending balance due to outstanding
travel reimbursements.

> Having a rough estimate of the pending reimbursement would dramatically
> help in evaluating future Debian expenses.


SPI: ~8000 USD
FFIS: ~8200 EUR


SPI: 14000 USD

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