
> Yes, it should go on the website and also a proper press release would be
> desirable. Can you please take care of this? (I'm happy to assist (either on
> the list or in #debconf-team), but not to do the work ;)

Please assist me and I'll take care of it :)

> That's in 2-6 days. When will you announce the choosen date?

Tomorrow, want to see when most people have time on selected dates.

> svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debconf-data/www as a start :)

I know that, however I want to assign someone who's going to work on
that besides me, that's one of the most important topics of our next
IRC meetings.

> can you share the prelimary request(s) with us?

Right now, what I think is most important from them is to reserve a
hotel or two, (we need to figure out are even going to need two),
second of to reserve the Venue and so on.

When do we ask for their full financial support? Aren't we suppoused
to first assign people who are going to take care of these things

We provided them with this pretty big paper, with all our requests,
problem is that its written in Bosnian, so I don't know maybe we
should translate it into English so rest of you could understand
everything we asked in there, and how we planned the program of whole


> It's good to see some news from the Bosnian team; as you mention, it
> would be a good idea to have a full (global) meeting soon to update
> everyone on local arrangement progress, now that the international
> team members have hopefully had time to recover after DebConf10.

Maybe after our next meeting in goverment, sometime during the end of
this month?

Moray and Michael,

I agree with you when it comes to the dates, then we should move the
dates ahead for one day? So the final departure date should be August
7th, Sunday?

> 1. Having departure on the Monday gives a risk that we end up needing
> to pay for an extra night of sponsored accommodation for many people
> (if they don't shift their arrival day back to match) -- how firm are
> your promises of government funding for the accommodation?

They are firm, that's something I want to talk to all of you, so I can
come in front of them with exact request, what we want and when do we
want it.

From dates, to financial support. I want to state everything clearly
to get the clearest answers possible.

We also need to assemble Sponsorship/Marketing/Money people/team ASAP,
since we already had couple of sponsroship offers.

I believe our priorities are:

1. Make website
2. Assemble team, assign duties
3. Make Sponsorship brochure/packets for both Global and Local market
4. State what excatly we are explacting from Govt.

Once we have hotel and venue reserved, we can proceed further with our
website and Sponsorships.

I think website may one of the most important factors, and should be
viewed as source of all information that everybody needs.

Since Minister even brought up a topic of making an Ad for this region.


On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Michael Shuler <mich...@pbandjelly.org> wrote:
> On 11/09/2010 08:54 AM, Moray Allan wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Adnan Hodzic<ad...@foolcontrol.org>  wrote:
>>> today I announced official dates when DebConf11 will be held, which are:
>>> DebCamp: 25th – 31st July 2011
>>> DebConf: 1st  - 7th August 2011
>> What are the views of others on the list?
> I would, personally, prefer the dates to be bumped back one day to
> Sunday through Saturday sessions:
> DebCamp: 24th - 30th July 2011
> DebConf: 31st July - 6th August 2011
> That puts arrival/departure travel days for most attendees on weekend
> days and does not require an extra vacation day from work to attend all
> days.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Michael
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