On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 17:29 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi micah,
> On Dienstag, 28. September 2010, micah anderson wrote:
> > Address?
> Adnan?
> > Also, my own opinion of these buffalos was that they were sort of crap.
> > They had to be manually reset multiple times, and until they were people
> > were not able to get on them and instead would go onto Columbia's
> > wireless.
> >
> > I dont know when these were originally purchased, but there are much
> > better models that I've seen work pretty well for real cheap.
> they were donated to us :)
> which OS did you run on them?

We were running OpenWRT on them, and to be honest I never really got to
have enough time to look into what the issue was (exactly), but they did
seem to stop accepting connections after a while, without any clear

Probably I should have used the older (WhiteRussian) OpenWRT on them,
but the time I'd intended to spend setting up wireless got redirected to
wrestling with the more general annoyances of being stuck on a legacy
hardware environment which we didn't have control over. I don't actually
think there's anything too much wrong with the hardware, except that
they have broadcom wireless chipsets.


andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com                            +64(272)DEBIAN
                      ASHes to ASHes, DOS to DOS.

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