
* Hideki Yamane <henr...@debian.or.jp> [2010-08-15 15:37:40 CEST]:
> Hi list,
>  at http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100730
> > Tenth Annual Debian Developer Conference
>  No, it's "Eleventh" - since first debconf was debconf*0*...
>  http://debconf0.debconf.org/

 As this was brought up on debian-publicity, got myself confused and is
now again mentioned I really wonder if the renumbering is really worth
it. It still feels like hiding the existence of one of the former
debconfs for a (IMHO) rather dubious reasoning of not wanting to confuse

 Personally I consider it very easy to state "the debconf number
corresponds to the yearname" - which is quickly and helpful and not
confusing at all. There is no reason to argument it "being a geek thing
and starting numbering at 0" which was handed around (and I agree with
that it might be confusing to non-geeks).

 Can the decision be evaluated again now that feedback is coming in
about the confusion on a to some degree regular basis - or at least can
we get an argumentation line on why we are actively hiding the existence
of a debconf for the benefit of reducing numbering confusion?

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