> Also, I noticed a 1930 DebConf opening plenary on August 1st, when we
> won't have guards around. Is this intended? According to what we've
> been told, we shouldn't do this. I could ask for guards to be
> extended if it's really wanted.

Yes we do want this. The welcoming plenary in my opinion is super
important. It allows us to get a lot of folks in one room, provide
important logistical information and also say HELLO to everyone and get
them excited as to what is to come.

I am MCing the welcome event but I am roping folks in to give little tid
bits as to what is to come. I have already announced this during the
nightly meeeting and will do so again via email so I can recruit folks.
I will do so only after I have an outline for the presentation.



Gabriella Coleman, Assistant Professor
Department of Media, Culture, & Communication
New York University
239 Greene St, 7th floor
NY NY 10003
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