On 07/28/2010 07:23 PM, Holger Levsen wrote:
> * provide the speaker with water
> * not only tell the speaker, she has 10/5/0 minutes left, but also enforce 
> this
> * tell the speaker in advance, that they actually only have $timeslot minus 5 
> minutes available, so that people can breathe and change rooms after an 
> event. 
> I hope everybody is ok with the last change :)

yes, indeed.  thanks for the pointer.

We should also probably make "10 minutes left", "5 minutes left", and "1
minute left" signs for each room.  that way, the talkmeister has
something concrete to hold up to show the speaker without audible

Could someone take charge of making 3 sets of those signs?

> Sadly the timeslots in penta leave no time between actuall talks, or rather 
> we 
> forgot to make them like that. 15min breaks between talks probably would have 
> been even better, but I think it's too late to make this change. Also I know 
> it took the ccconference more then 20 years of experience to realize 
> such "long" breaks between talks are good. OTOH DebConf is considerably 
> smaller, thus moving between rooms will not take so much time, so hopefully 
> 5min work well. 

Unfortunately, given the preferences for wakeup times, the hours of the
cafeteria, and the costs of keeping the talks rooms open late, adding 15
minutes between talks would have left us with many fewer slots for talks.

> Also please note that those 5min of breaks are not only needed for the 
> videoteam (which definitly needs those little breaks badly) but also for 
> everybody, it's simply impossible to move from Davis to Interschool lab in 0 
> seconds and even 5min sometimes will be a challange.

Yes, that's true.  edrz rightly points out the elevator as a potential
source of problems.  do we have access to the northern stairwell near
interschool?  a few flights of stairs between talks will help people
work up some body heat to combat the chill :p


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