On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 02:12:44PM -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> The Travel Info wiki pages are almost done, so now I am wondering how  
> we should post this to the debconf website.  It would be nice to keep  
> it as a wiki to make updates, but I think it would be ok to do SHTML  
> and include it on that part of the website.  I'm not a committer  
> there, so someone else would have to do that step.
> A quick easy fix would be to have the existing debconf.org page point  
> to the right wiki page.  Currently it says "DebConf10 Wiki travel page  
> (not created yet)".  THe page is created and should point to:

I think leaving as much in the wiki as we can makes sense - as some
people arrive, people may want to update it.  Of course, making up
something nice for people to print won't have the latest changes, but
that's unavoidable.

I think the DebConf10/Welcome page will continue to get lots of
updates (rules/procedures/etc), so it should stay mostly wikified.

What do you think is best?  What's missing?

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 361 days, 17:03
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