----- Forwarded message from Clint Adams <sch...@debconf.org> -----

Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:49:31 +0000
From: Clint Adams <sch...@debconf.org>
Subject: [Debconf10-localteam] July 11 local team meeting notes
To: DebConf10-Localteam List <debconf10-localt...@lists.debconf.org>
Mail-Followup-To: DebConf10-Localteam List 

present: micah, Clint, fugit, biella, DrDub, MrBeige, Hydroxide, _hc, bgupta, 
jeremyb, simonft, kevix, Jonah

*  General run-through of how things should work, arrival to departure, coming 
back to decisions and discussions later
    - travel information pack with directions and instructions for getting 
through customs
    - go to dorms first, dorm people have checklist of everyone's name, arrival 
date, departure date
    - get keys and additional information (hacklab hours, &c.)
    - office open until 9pm, afterward checkin must be achieved by contacting 
security guard on duty
    - then go to Mudd when open
** DebCamp arrival
    - first day of DebCamp (Sunday 25th), guard will show up at 8am or 10am, 
Carleton lounge furniture arrangement, may or may not have food, guard leaves 
at 8pm
    - weekdays Mudd opens at 9am, security guard wil
** DebCamp
    - CS lounges will be closed, people will hack in Carleton Cafeteria/Lounge
    - Front Desk can be right in Mudd lobby or integrated into hacklab
    - Food situation not decided yet
    - Mudd closes at 7pm, guard shows up until 11pm or 1am (emergency access 
later if necessary)
    - Advise people to not leave laptops/equipment lying around, CUPS does not 
want to investigate thefts
** DebConf arrival (saturday)/weekend
   - CS area will be also opened, in addition to Carleton, will need people to 
monitor its access (checking badges and whatnot)
   - Talks (Debian Day) start Sunday morning, guards arrive at 9 but video team 
will set up earlier
** DebConf
   - CS lounges will be open for hacklab (two hacklabs) until 9pm or 10pm
   - guard stays until 3am or something
   - identify the 10 columbia cardholders
** DebConf departure
   - Tear stuff down Saturday night?
   - No guard on Sunday?
   - Rental stuff will be collected Sunday or Monday
* caterpillar madness ensued
* Report-backs on specific areas that need to happen before conf. - general 
outline by coordinator of what should happen and when, solicit help with 
unassigned tasks (these things should not to do it soley by emself)
** Housing coordinator (simonft) [[DebConf10/Housing]]
    - Intern does not read email frequently
    - Marga trying to get list of room availability, CU delaying this and 
therefore delaying the housing deadline
    - Simon primarily proxying for Marga
** Volunteer coordinator (biella) - [[DebConf10/ConferenceVolunteers]]
    - Biella recruiting volunteers through use of lolcats, possibly NYLUG, 
    - need people to help with roles
** John Jay food coordinator (jeremyb/bgupta?) [[DebConf10/Food]]
    - interface with JJ on a day-to-day basis
    - two weeks in advance, commit to 240 meals per day (120 lunch, 120 
dinner), plus volunteers to work the door and coordinate with their staff
    - not approved by CU management yet
    - need to know exactly what meal days during debconf and debcamp (Lunch and 
Dinner for: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday of DebConf, lunch and dinner for 
Wed/Thurs/Fri DebCamp)
    - at the end of every meal someone with a SPI credit card will need to pay 
for everything to settle up
** Schwag (drdub)
    - DrDub will not be selling t-shirts
    - Tote-Bags, Pablo wants vendor referral
    - Green bags targeted
* Areas we need someone to bottom-line/coordinate still
** Arrivals Packet coordinator (Hans) [[DebConf10/TravelInfo]] 
    - handle travel information arrival packet with maps, directions, 
cheatsheet, directions to dorms, instructions for checkins, emergency phone 
numbers, hacklab hours, food recommendation, where to go, 
    - first-night instructions (how late hacklabs are open, recommendations for 
** Arrival weekend food coordinator [[DebConf10/FoodArrivalWeekend]] 
[[DebConf10/Food]] - jeremyb/Hydroxide
*** what is food in arrivals weekend (Debian Day) and departure day food 
    - at global team meeting people preferred the box lunches idea ("B or D"), 
go to park?
    - jeremy has some options for food from making inquiries
** DebCamp food coordinator - [[DebConf10/Food]] - micah
*** what is food in debcamp?
    - eating in DebConf spaces frowned upon
    - agreed: Wed/Thur/Fri JJ during Debcamp
    - Sunday/Monday/Tuesday: take-out and go-out
** Debian day and outreach [[DebConf10/DebianDay]]
    - web page for debian day needs to be finished, biella has created text
    - talks have been scheduled
    - there is a kick-off opening plenary session which is mostly about DebConf 
rather than DebianDay
    - maybe should do a "What is Debian?" biella is happy to work on that, 
    - DrDub, bgupta, and biella will discuss DebianDay registration ideas
    - working with Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) on press. waiting on some 
materials from Ganneff
    - bgupta is now the global press team
    - press stories, if anyone has any hooks for ideas, send then to press@
    - press meeting to be scheduled early this week
** Day trip coordination [[DebConf10/DayTrip]] - Clint, micah
    - food for day trip
    - ideas at coney island
    - "travel brochure"
    - transit logistics, meeting points
    - corralling people to baseball game, games
    - DPL first pitch options
    - ticket raffle/giveaway
* Sponsor wrangling
    - having some difficulty getting some people to pay. need .eps from Lee for 
    - jimmy will help on getting some org.io to get the log
* Non-critical fun stuff we could do:
** Monkeysphere auth for DC10 infrastructure
** Asterisk server, VoIP extensions for each attendee
* next meeting

We need a t-shirt sales person, SPI booth for donation
Debconf10-localteam mailing list

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