On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:48:00AM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > not a topic for the meeting (I'd say), but do you have a nametag solution?
> ping?
> I'm asking cause I could bring nametags and a puncher again, but I would need 
> to know today. 

We were trying to figure out who had them - how much do the nametags
cost?  Then we could compare to the price of the supplier here, I
think on the order of 10 cents per tag.  Pablo will know.

However, I think the answer will most likely be: yes, please bring!

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 356 days, 6:43
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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