On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:17:49AM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:

> So I would like to remind of the "no scheduling (of to be video'ed events = 
> in 
> the rooms with video gear) later then 24h before the events starts" 
> rule/goal.

It was a specific requirement that there is no extra burden placed on
the video team by last-minute scheduling.  There will be a copy of the
schedule at the start of the conference, and that's all for the video
team to even think about.

> It wont work to schedule something in a room with video gear and say "dont 
> video this". We tried this and it doesnt work. People in the room or on IRC 
> will ask it to be videod, people will try, people will get stressed and the 
> event will be video'd (badly) and the people doing it wont be happy.

Hm - that's unfortunate.  It's a waste to have a room but lock people
out of it just because there are cameras in it.  Let's work during the
camp/conf and see what we can do.  There will be no shortage of
information saying "don't expect video" [0].  One proposal was to just
not put them in penta, and just use some sort of wiki or board system
only to let people know they are empty and do sign-ups.

You, edrz, and dkg can talk and see what to do...

- Richard

[0] e.g. see the number of times it has been mentioned that there is no
video on http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/TalkSelection#During_the_conference

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 356 days, 6:15
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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