On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 10:52:07PM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 04:19:31PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> > The $500 is more appropriately not included in the cost evaluation;
> > it's a one time fee that SPI would be paying from general funds (NOT
> > Debian and also NOT DebConf10), and it will enable SPI to offer this
> > kind of debit card service to any SPI associated project that needs
> > it in the future, whether DebConf or a mini-DebConf or some
> > PostgreSQL or Madwifi/OpenWrt conference, etc. The $500 would not
> > need to be repeated for future orders.
> I'm sure that SPI would pick this up, since you and Michael are
> heavily involved in SPI.
> However, I am not sure that we should ask SPI to pick this up.  It
> sounds more like it's mostly our idea which we are claiming they can
> use, without a visible need beforehand.  I've found that getting stuff
> without a need seen often leads to unused stuff... and I'm worried
> that once you and Michael become less active, this could be forgotten.

Just because it came from a need for DebConf doesn't mean that it won't
be useful for other projects. I think this sort of thing fits in pretty
well with the sort of services SPI can and should offer to associated
projects, so I don't think you need to worry about asking SPI to cover
the setup fee.

(Another SPI Board member)

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